Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Song in My Heart

Peg shares with us how having Pulmonary Fibrosis affect even life’s smallest joys with her unique humor and honesty.  She writes...
Ok, call me crazy... (not that fast, Bubba!) but, I was driving home tonight with the radio cranked and I was able to do something I haven't been able to do in a long, long time.  I sang along to the song on the radio - the whole song - and was still breathing.  Of course I still can't sing worth a hoot, but, I had the breath to do it.  That excited me no end!  I even danced a little jig in my seat. Those who have Pulmonary Fibrosis will certainly understand my excitement and those who do not, be grateful~ you don't have to know what it feels like not to be able to sing. Will it last? Who knows? But today I did it and it makes my overgrown, damaged heart happy. ~Peg Baer Hassett~
 How often do we choose to turn to music as a reflection of our emotions?  I know for myself, that there have been times I would be in my perfect sound studio -the shower, belting out Linda Ronstadt and thinking I sound just marvelous!  There have been times that when missing my hubby, I would play our songs and sing along and cry.  In happier moments, I would just hum to myself mindlessly going about the day.  It would be so hard to imagine not being able to sing a song.  ~Breathing~
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” ~Bob Marley~


  1. Dear Peg,

    Thank You for allowing me to share your words. I hope others are as touched as I am by your 'song'.

  2. What an inspiration you are. This gives hope to people who really struggle with their breathing no matter what the disease. It shows that with a little determination things that seem impossible can be accomplished.
