Tuesday, January 8, 2019


What does a friend mean to you?  Look at the person in this picture.  Soft brown eyes, mischievous smile, a go getter look on her face.  She is a mother.  A fun mom who gets on the level of her teen, a daughter that counts on her and loves her so. Shawna has Pulmonary Fibrosis.  She loves laughing, helping her friends smile, her baby dogs, her beautiful daughter, music, the beach, crocheting, geeking out and life.

Since my husband was diagnosed with this disease at age 49 and passed away from it in 2011, I know this is nothing to play with.  There are many (as many as breast cancer) that pass away from it every year in the United States.  Health care is difficult, even when there is is cure, because of finances many cannot afford to live.  In this case, the only cure, and it is not guaranteed, is a lung transplant.

I have been blessed to know Shawna, and now, she has made the huge decision to pursue this operation.  It takes a lot.  Bravery, Acceptance, Flexibility, and Finance.  Let's not forget Hope.  Can you imagine, putting your whole life out there for everyone to see, with the hopes of raising some money just so you can, live, Breathe?
